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Educational Excellence

Since 2018, the Unidad Educativa Particular Bilingüe Computer World ranks as one of the 20 best schools in Quito and in third place academically in the province of Pichincha. Our priority is to provide a comprehensive and personal education for life, through a bilingual educational process characterized by the practice of biblical values and principles towards educational excellence. We maintain first-rate teaching and administrative staff, within a modern infrastructure with large green spaces and state-of-the-art technology.

Thanks to the support of an experienced professional staff, our students can, in the future, choose the university of their choice.

We have students in:

Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Universidad de las Americas, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador, Universidad International, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE, YACHAY, among other renowned universities within and outside the country.

A large percentage of our graduates are studying with academic scholarships according to the results obtained in the SER BACHILLER tests with 843 points in 2014, 949 points in 2015 and 964 points in 2016.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to be part of the CW Family!


Our history

Computer World, was born from the proposal given by Eng. Juan Carlos Morales and his wife Tnlga. Lidia Valladares, seeking to provide their son with a better educational opportunity without discrimination. In August 1991, doctors diagnosed a coarctation of the aorta in his son Jean Carlos, which is why at the age of 8 months he underwent heart surgery.

Apparently everything had gone well, however, the boy could not move his lower extremities. With an unfavorable final diagnosis, "he would never be able to make any movement or walk again."

As parents, seeing their child in difficulty, anguished, full of uncertainty and hopeless, they make the great decision that marked their lives forever; accept Jesus as their only Lord and Savior. By taking this important step, things began to change, they could see the powerful hand of God and the miracle that their son walks against any medical diagnosis.


Computer World started out as a small Computing Center in the North of Quito with just 4 computers. We moved to Tumbaco and formed the First Computer World Occupational Training Center, granting Diplomas and Certificates as Digitizers and Operators in Equipment. Later, the Computer World Superior Technical Institute opens  granting Titles as Systems analysts.

Years later, aware of the social problems, the learning gaps in high school, the absence of God in people's hearts, added to that the need for their son; they decided to create the Computer World kindergarten and private school, with ministerial agreement No. 091 dated September 5, 1996, in the La Dolorosa neighborhood of the Tumbaco Parish, in order to provide a school education of excellence in principles and biblical values. Our institution began under the direction of the Morales Valladares Family and a team of founding teachers, among them: Professor Gardenia Trujillo, Lcda. Delia Haro, Lcda. Laura Simbaña, Anlsta. Fabián Quilumba, Professor Patricia Aguilera, Lcda. Cecil Andre and Lcda. Irana T. of Belgian origin. The Institution begins with 38 students between kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth grade.

In this way we have been marking educational excellence in a very important place in our country, becoming one of the best educational institutions at the local and national level. As "UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PARTICULAR BILINGÜE COMPUTER WORLD" we comply with the Ministerial provisions, we offer a quality bilingual education in initial, middle, basic and high school education, with an innovative vision and we have reached international agreements. Our education is based on biblical principles and values, we form upright leaders who testify to the love of God, serve society, demonstrate their academic excellence and stand out in different fields: social, sports, musical, artistic, scientific, technological, among others.


As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, we taught the education model “We learn together at home” (Online). We work with modern tools and technology, we have our own online learning LMS platform called "AVEL". We are pioneers and leaders in online education, recognized in the media for being the first school in Ecuador with an “OPEN HOUSE WEEK ONLINE”, in which the entire CW family participated.


Our teachers are continuously trained for innovation. We optimize our physical infrastructure for our face-to-face classes,  We enhance the capabilities of our students and develop new talents.


We change lives, we change history …… "Instruct the child in his way and even when he is old he will not depart from it"


Our priority is to provide a comprehensive and personal education for life, through a bilingual educational process characterized by the practice of biblical values and principles towards educational excellence.



We will remain as one of the best bilingual and innovative educational institutions in the country with recognized national and international prestige; forming leaders of integrity who serve with love and testify to the character of Christ. Contributing to the solution of social problems and their development, maintaining top-level teaching and administrative staff, within a modern infrastructure with modern technology.



 Love of God and neighbor, respect, self-control, responsibility, equity and solidarity; These principles are not negotiable, they are the foundation for our journey and it is what defines us as an authentic community. 



1.- Strengthen in students the process of teaching a Foreign Language (English), to develop communication skills through the 5 curricular blocks, which integrate the 4 skills that are the axis of the Common European Framework of reference for languages CEFR.

2.- facilitate the learning of our students who, when communicating, are able to speak clearly and effectively, dominating and taking over English as a second language.

Our logo

Logo CW School - Unidad Educativa Computer World

It represents the two main initials of the name of the institution "UNIDAD EDUCATIVA PARTICULAR BILINGÜE COMPUTER WORLD" accompanied by three children of different colors walking on the letter C which represents the student diversity that we have in our institution.


We seek to support the talents and virtues of each of our students; which are characterized by being skilled in different disciplines: art, music, sports such as soccer and basketball; as well as in rigorous subjects such as: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.


Our institution, as its name indicates, is Bilingual and one of our main strengths is the English language. Our name as such largely involves technological advancement, the use of virtual platforms for teacher and student support, the proper use of tools in education and innovation through the use of computers.

Our students learn to discriminate the bombardment of information and data in the network and in their living environment; always looking for reliable information that contributes to their academic and spiritual growth.

An important fact is that our initials CW also come from the phrase "Christ for the World". We seek to share our identity with other people by forming upright leaders who serve with love and  they testify to the character of Christ.

Slogan and Mascot

Our slogan comes from the biblical passage; Proverbs 22: 6. We firmly believe that when we educate children on the correct path from a young age, it is very difficult for them to stray from the teachings and in the event that they make mistakes they always return to the correct path.


Our mascot is the eagle. In various parts of the bible, we find passages where God makes many comparisons to our walking with eagles. God knows the special instinct of this bird, and to take care of his chicks, just as God takes care of us his children.

The eagle is God and we are the chicks, but we are accommodated in our nest, He who loves us, also makes us know ourselves and what we are capable of, that we learn in trials and sufferings and really test our faith .

The eagle in our institution represents perseverance and courage, this symbol is used mainly in sports disciplines such as soccer and basketball. We are hard-working and brave, we achieve our goals.

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Aguila mascota CW School - Unidad Educativa Computer World

Institutional Colors

Bandera CW School

Green: It is the color of hope, it means new life, eternal life. It is also closely related to caring for nature and the living beings that inhabit it.


Blue :  It is a fresh, calming color and it is associated with the intellectual part, it represents part of the identity of our institution as entrepreneurs and creatives.


White : According to the meaning of colors in the Bible is a symbol of purity or holiness. It also represents light, purity and goodness. We seek to be light, maintaining an example and testimony in front of others.



Convenio Dallas Baptist University
Convenio Dallas Baptist University
Convenio Dbu - CW School


In search of improvements in the educational level, the Computer World School is making agreements with different national and international institutions in order to strengthen ties benefiting students, teaching and administrative staff.

For agreements you can contact Mgs. Jean Carlos Morales to the mail:

Dallas Baptist University
Cambridge Assessment English
Logo Abeka Book
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